Power CTI Closed forum

Welcome to the Power CTI section of our Customer Ideas Forum.

The PowerPack tools are designed to help enhance the core capabilities of Dynamics 365, while providing even greater functionality and efficiency. The PowerPack team actively engages and reviews new ideas. We appreciate you taking the time to leave some feedback for our PowerPack team!

How to leave Idea:

  1. Submit - A new idea for a PowerPack feature (be alerted with updates on this idea)
  2. Vote - for an existing idea (you will also receive updates)
  3. Comment - On other ideas to drive thoughtful conversations

I suggest you ...


Skype is dead, long live Teams!Declined July 29, 2022 - jay.leffue

Allow teams as a telephony provider for using PowerCTI


Have incoming call pop open matched record in new UCICompleted July 29, 2022 - Earl Grey

Currently when im using a V9 PowerCTI solution any incoming calls are being popped in the old legacy interface, and not popping records in the new UCI. My call center team is only working in the new UCI so they are unable to access the records. Are there any plans to enhancement this PowerPack so that it can pop records in the new UCI.