Power Map Closed forum

Welcome to the Power Map section of our Customer Ideas Forum.

The PowerPack tools are designed to help enhance the core capabilities of Dynamics 365, while providing even greater functionality and efficiency. The PowerPack team actively engages and reviews new ideas. We appreciate you taking the time to leave some feedback for our PowerPack team!

How to leave Idea:

  1. Submit - A new idea for a PowerPack feature (be alerted with updates on this idea)
  2. Vote - for an existing idea (you will also receive updates)
  3. Comment - On other ideas to drive thoughtful conversations

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Ability to customize pins (changing icon and colors)Planned July 29, 2022 - gilles.corbel


Ability to create territoriesCompleted July 29, 2022 - satish pattnaik

My sales team loves this product, but we don't like the default radius shape. Its ugly and records outside of the radius doesn't display on the map. We would like to be able to create a territory with color coding so that our sales team knows what accounts are assigned to the regional sales rep responsible for that area.


PowerObjects used ISO 27001 Certification for SecurityCompleted July 29, 2022 - David Jhon

Hello Everyone! I just want to know that Powerobjects Technology Company using ISO 27001 certification. Because, I want to use PowerMap for my Company. If anyone knows then tell me. Thanks! Credit: https://www.6clicks.com/solutions/iso-27001


Make pins outside of the radius display on the mapComing Soon July 29, 2022 - Zach Bridgeman

When pins fall outside of the radius they are not visible on the map. This makes it hard to see all of our pins and records on more of a global and national level. There is the ability to define a radius but circle shape limits what type of geographical area you can include at any given zoom level and radius size. In addition, the size and look of the radius can also take up a lot of screen restate and if you define the radius size to anything +999 to try and include as many pins as possible the drag-ability and rendering of the map becomes difficult as you have to move the green center pin of the radius to display additional pins.