Security Roles

After you import PowerChat, you will notice two new security roles in your CRM. Each user you want to be able to have some level of use for PowerChat will need one of the security roles below.

Users will also need to be assigned the PowerChat App User role to access the PowerChat model driven app.

Configuring PowerChat

Once PowerChat has been imported and registered you will have to choose the cloud location you would like PowerChat to be hosted through. PowerChat users have the option to choose from four different Azure clouds; Central US, East Asia, West Europe, and Southern Brazil. Select the cloud location that is closest to your website host and CRM. Once you have selected your target service to make sure that you select Save before navigating away from the screen.


The Secret Word field is used to validate and authorize you as a user. You may be asked for this code when working with our support team, to verify that you have administrative access to this solution.

Create and manage PowerChat agents

A PowerChat agent profile must be created for any CRM user who would like use PowerChat.

To create or manage your agent profile, navigate in your CRM to PowerPack > PowerChat and select Agent.  To create a new Agent select the "+ New" icon.  Assign the new PowerChat Agent to a system user. Enter your Chat Name. This is the name that visitors on your website will see when starting a new chat. The primary Email and Main Phone are only for internal use and are not displayed in the chat window.

Save the information entered in the general information section.

Next, enter the PowerChat topics that the PowerChat agent is qualified to answer.  To do this simply click inside the text box and enter topics that are related to your chat widget. A list of potential matches from previously entered PowerChat topics will appear as users are typing to make topics quicker to add. Chat topics control which chat widgets agents have access to. Topics are covered more in-depth in a later section of this guide.

To see other agents with the same topics, users simply need to click on the existing topic. A pop-up window will appear displaying a list of all agents, select any of these agents to open that agent’s record.

If you would like a picture of the agent to display in the chat window, upload an image on this record, by clicking on the gray avatar in the upper left corner of the record, and configuring your chat widget to display that image.

Click “Save” to save an agent's profile

Building your Chat Widget

PowerChat users have the ability to build and customize their Chat widget. The chat is where you configure the specifications of the chat window itself. It’s highly suggested to create a different chat widget for each web page you’d like to put PowerChat on unless you’re using one chat widget across your website. To create a chat widget, navigate to PowerChat and then select “Widgets”. Click the “+ New” icon to create a new PowerChat Widget. Give your widget a name and then click Save.

Next, enter the PowerChat topics related to the specific chat widget.  To do this simply click inside the text box and enter topics that are related to your chat widget. A list of potential matches will appear below the word as users are typing to make topics quicker to add. Best practice is to have only one topic related to each widget. In order for agents to pick up chats from that widget, the topic related to the agent and the topic related to the widget have to match. If you want agents to be able to pick up chats from more than one widget, you would assign multiple topics to the agent, and one topic to each widget.

After the widget has been saved, the Design and Generate Script buttons will appear on the ribbon. The PowerChat widget designer allows you to configure and customize your chat widget.

Chat Display

Name: Enter the name of your PowerChat widget, so that you can identify it in the future. This name is only used internally, so make sure it’s descriptive.

Title: This is the title that will appear on the top of chat widget

User Display Name: The fields entered here will determine what information is visible to all Chat agents when a new chat is submitted. The user display name is populated by the information entered by the user.

By default this field is set to FirstName + " " + LastName. The means that when a new chat is submitted the visitors First Name and Last Name will be displayed for agents to view before accepting an incoming chat, with space in between them.

Submit Button 1: This is the button text shown at that bottom of the chat widget. Visitors will click this button to start a new chat.

Submit Button 2: This is the button text shown at that bottom of the chat widget during the live chat. Visitors will click this button to send a chat message.

Font: Enter the specific font you would like the chat messages to use. All base Microsoft fonts are supported. For example, you could use any of the following fonts: Arial, Courier New, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana, etc.

Labels: Select where you would like your field labels to display in the chat widget.

Corners: Select the desired shape for your chat widget

Agent Image: Here you can decide if you would like the agent image uploaded when creating an agent profile to appear on the chat widget.

Input Fields: This is information that a visitor will need to enter before starting a new chat. By default, the widget is configured to include First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. You can add or remove fields by selecting the “+Add” or Delete button.

End Chat

Type: You have the option of either entering “Text” or “Link” that will appear after a chat has ended. Selecting Text will display a custom message to your visitors and enable three additional text fields for users to customize that will appear at the end of the chat.

Selecting Link will display the web page entered in the URL field.


Enter the hex color code (including the #) that you would like displayed in your chat widget.

Confirm Box

Confirm message: Enter the text you would like to appear once a chat was ended.

Confirm Yes: Enter the text you would like displayed for a yes value.

Confirm No: Enter the text you would like displayed for a No value.


Check which buttons would like displayed and enabled for your visitors in the chat widget.


This section will determine how your chat widget is displayed in your web page. You have the option of Open (Display the whole chat widget) Minimized (Display just the title bar) or Hidden (Only display a fraction of the title bar).

Delay: Enter the total time, in milliseconds, that it should take for the Chat widget to appear to visitors on your web page. Since this field is in milliseconds, it’s important to know that there are 1000 milliseconds in a second. So if you’d like to wait 2 seconds, you would enter 2000 in the field.

Widget Preview

Gives you a real time look at the changes made to the Chat Widget. Select the radio button fields to navigate and view the different Chat widget screens. Note, you will not bee able to see a widget preview if your Animation state is “Hidden” or “Minimized”. We suggest making all of your configurations with the widget in an “Open” state, so you can actually see a preview of your configurations.

Don’t forget to click SAVE to save all of your settings.

Once you have saved your widget settings. Click on the Generate Script icon in the widget Ribbon bar. This is the custom script you will need to add to your website for PowerChat to appear. Copy the code and then navigate to the footer of the web page you would like the Chat widget to appear in and paste the script. Going forward, any updates made to the widget inside of CRM are automatically pushed to the chat widgets deployed on the web pages.


Deploy Your Widget

Once you’ve completed your customizations, save and exit out of the widget designer, and click on “Generate Script” in the upper ribbon of the Widget record. This will generate a piece of script for you to place on your web page. For the widget to appear on all web pages, you will want to put the widget in the footer of your website.


Note, that the widget will not display if there are no agents available to take chats.

Add Text Snippets

Create custom snippets for commonly used messages and phases during your chats

To add a new snippet navigate to the PowerPack section of your CRM and select Snippets under PowerChat.

Select “+ New” to create a new snippet message.

Assign a snippet owner and enter a name for your snippet. This is the name you will reference to send your snippet message during a live chat. The name should be a word that describes the snippet message. For example, Greeting. All snippets should have a unique name, and all snippets are visible and available to all agents. Currently, it is not possible to create user-specific snippets.

To use a snippet during a chat simply click on the “snippet icon” or enter a hashtag before and after your snippet name. ( #greeting# )

Create and Manage PowerChat Topics

PowerChat topics are used to match a Chat widget with an appropriate agent(s). Only agents whose topics exactly match those of Chat widget, will be notified when an incoming chat is received.

To create a new chat topic navigate to the PowerPack section of your CRM and select Topics under PowerChat.

To add a new topic click on the “+ New” icon.  Start by entering a name for the topic. Users can change the color of the tag by changing the color field. Users will enter the HEX code for their desired color, remember to include a # symbol in front of the HEX code. Color coding is not required but may help users more easily recognize topics that are related.

Users are also able to rename the topic if needed. The changes to the name field will be reflected on each tagged topic.

Under Related Agents, you can view all of the PowerChat agents related to a specific topic. If this is a new topic you can add CRM users by selecting the + icon above the grid.

Under Related Widgets, you can view all of the PowerChat widgets related to a specific topic. If this is a new topic you can associate a chat widget by selecting the + icon above the grid.

Remember, agents can only answer chats in Widgets if they both are related to the same topic. For example, a PowerPack widget and a Joe CRM agent must both be tagged with the “PowerPack” topic in order for Joe CRM to be able to see and accept chats from the PowerPack widget.


If you are an agent and are ready to be available for chats, open the PowerChat window (under PowerPack > PowerChat). When you initially launch this window, you will get a prompt asking if you would like to start PowerChat. Click Yes. Once on this page, you will see the following:

Visitors: This will display all visitors that are currently on your site, regardless of if they’ve started a chat or not. If the visitor has identified themselves by engaging in a chat session, you will see the person’s name listed here. Otherwise, you will just see “Visitor”.

Incoming Chats: This will display any incoming chats that have not yet been picked up by another agent. You will also see what topics this chat may be related to, based on what’s tagged on the widget the visitor started the chat with.

Visitor Chats: This area will display any chats that you are actively engaged in. The counter next to the visitor chat tells you how long the visitor has been waiting for a response from you (the agent). If a visitor leaves the website/chat, the little green indicator will change to red.

Agent Chats: This will display any chats that you are engaged in with other agents.

Agents: This will display all other agents who are currently active in PowerChat. You can start a chat with another agent by clicking the “Chat” button that appears when you hover over the agent’s name.

The information listed in the PowerChat area is updated in real time.

Other PowerChat Features

The Chat Window

Once chatting with a visitor, you can create a lead, create a contact, create a case, invite another agent to the chat, or end the chat by clicking on the little arrow to the right of your current chat window (A).

In the chat window, you will also see a counter that counts the duration of the chat session, as well as a timestamp for each conversation (B). When chatting, you can hit the “Enter” key on your keyboard to send the chat, or click the send icon next to the input area (C). To insert a pre-created snippet, you can either use the shortcut (which is the snippet name with a hashtag on each side – for example #greeting#), or you can click the scissor icon, and choose a snippet to send (D). Lastly, you can insert an emoji in your chat, by clicking on the little Emoji icon by the input area (E).

Visitor Information

Once you’ve started a chat with a visitor, you will see some information about them, including:

Lead/Contact: This will be populated if this visitor is created as a lead or contact in your CRM system.

Page: The name of the page the visitor came from

Location: The location refers to the IP Address of the visitor.

Widget: What widget this chat came in from

Topics: The topics this widget is tagged with

Visitor Input: Any information the visitor gave when starting the chat.

Chat History: If you’ve previously chatted with this visitor, their previous chats will be displayed here, based on if the cookie is still on their machine.

Agent Status

If you need to update your agent status, click on your agent name in the upper right-hand corner of the PowerChat window, and choose a new status. If you are busy or set to Busy or Away, you will not be able to pick up new chats. If all agents are busy or away, or if there are no agents available for the given widget, that widget will not appear on the web page.

PowerChat Activities

Each time a chat is completed, a PowerChat activity is created. On the activity, you will find information about the following:

PowerChat Widget: Tells you which widget the chat came from.

Subject: All topics the widget is marked with.

Regarding: If the chat was converted into a lead or contact, the regarding field will be filled in.

Actual Start: The date and time the chat started, based on the time zone of the agent.

Actual End: The date and time the chat ended, based on the time zone of the agent.

Actual Duration: The length of time the chat was ongoing.

Visitor Info: If you asked for any information before beginning the chat, this information will be collected here.

Participants: If the agent invited any other agents to the chat, they will be listed here.

Rating: If you chose to keep the “rating” defaults in the chat widget, and the visitor chose to rate the chat, you will see the rating show up here.

Chat Transcript: The entire transcript from the chat session is listed here.

Owner: The agent who picked up the chat


Using PowerChat in new UCI

PowerChat is compatible with the Dynamics 365 online UCI. Make sure you have the UCI compatible version downloaded from our website and installed in your CRM.

Once you have PowerChat installed you can to add it to your sitemap, along with the entities and web resources the solution provides by editing an app and adding the components in your app designer.


Uninstalling PowerChat

Uninstall as usual, by navigating in CRM to the solutions list, selecting the PowerChat Solution and deleting.

Deleting the solution will remove all existing PowerChat activities in your system and information related to the PowerChat add-on. If you do not want these activities to be deleted you can simply unsubscribe from PowerChat, but leave the solution in your system.

Uninstalling the solution does not unsubscribe the solution.  If you’re discontinuing use of the add-on, you must first unsubscribe in the solution.

Thank you for your interest in PowerChat, should you choose to subscribe you will be charged $1.50/enabled CRM user/month. If you have any questions or run into any issues with PowerChat, our friendly support team is here to help!

PowerChat User Guide